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Fast Forward Accountability Group


Have you noticed how much easier it is to stay on track when someone else is counting on you? Accountability is a game-changer. Studies show that when we’re held accountable, we’re far more likely to achieve our goals.


That's why I’m excited to introduce the Fast Forward Accountability Group—a focused coaching experience designed to help you crush your writing goals.


Why Join This Group?


This isn’t just another writing group. It’s a six-week program where we meet weekly on Zoom, and you get the support, motivation, and structure you need to move forward—no matter where you are in your project.


Who’s This For?


- Stuck in the middle of your manuscript?

- Struggling to start a new project?

- Overwhelmed by revisions?

- Craving fresh motivation and consistent progress?


If any of this sounds like you, this group is for you.


What You’ll Get:


  • 6 Weeks of Focused Support

  • Weekly 1-Hour Zoom Meetings

    • Quick Wins: Share progress and celebrate successes   

    • Goal Setting: Define goals for the upcoming week.

    • Peer Support: Overcome obstacles with group support.

    • Action Plan: Solidify commitments for the next week.

  • Weekly Email Check-ins: Stay on track with personalized tips and reminders.

  • Small Groups: 5 participants per group MAX.


Why Choose THIS Group?


As an author of ten traditionally published books and co-host of the Writers With Wrinkles podcast, I know the struggles of writing. I’m committed to your success and will be with you every step of the way.


Limited Spots—Sign Up Today!


I’m offering this at a special introductory price of $200 for 6 weeks. New session begins OCTOBER 7th! With limited spots available, now’s the time to secure your place. 


Ready to Get Started?


Email me at with the subject line ‘Accountability Group’ and include the following:


  • What specific writing goals are you currently working towards, and where are you in your writing process (e.g., drafting, revising, planning)?

  • What challenges are you facing right now that you hope this accountability group will help you overcome?

  • Are you able to commit to attending weekly Zoom sessions and participating in email check-ins?

  • How comfortable are you with sharing your writing challenges and progress in a small group setting?

  • What time zone are you in, and what day/time is best for weekly Zoom meetings?


Let’s work together to achieve your writing goals. We got this!



The Fine Print!

In this group, I will not:


1. Read or provide feedback on full manuscripts.

2. Assist with agent research or provide agent contacts.

3. Offer detailed line-by-line edits or copyediting services.

4. Provide personalized one-on-one coaching outside of group sessions and scheduled check-ins, unless the particpant has contracted for additional coaching services.

5. Write or co-author any part of a member’s manuscript.

6. Guarantee publication or success with literary agents.

7. Manage or dictate individual writing schedules—members are responsible for their own time management.

8. Resolve personal conflicts or issues unrelated to writing.

9. Offer legal advice regarding publishing contracts or intellectual property.

10. Promote or market individual members' books or writing projects.

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